6 Ways To Build An Email List With a Blog





6 Ways To Build An Email List With a Blog

6 ways to build an email list with a blog are presented to help you start building your list.

A business foundation is required for every online firm. A lead capture page (squeeze page), a follow-up email sequence for that lead page, plus a blog make up a company foundation. The landing page and email sequence are self-evident. They’re utilized to create an email list and then employ email marketing to convert that list.


But what is the purpose of the blog? In your business, a blog is the most versatile tool you can have.  Use it  for search engine optimization, content marketing, sales, and even list creation. In this brief guide, I’ll show you six ways your blog will grow your email list.


Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!


Tactic #1: Optin Form Positions


Your Blog’s Header —

Use an opt-in form and an offer in your blog’s header to catch your readers’ attention as soon as they land on your page.

Blog headers are an introduction to what the blog is about. They are a brief paragraph or two that tells the reader what to expect when they click on the blog. The header also introduces the blogger and might tell a little bit about them. It’s job is to introduce the blog and grab the reader’s attention so that they will want to read more. A blog header is usually around 200 words, but it can be shorter or longer depending on your blog.


Your Site’s Sidebar –

The sidebar is a panel that runs down the side of a blog post or web page. It holds auxiliary content, such as navigation links, related posts, or advertisement widgets. The sidebar’s job is to keep the main content area free from clutter.   It also provides easy access to supplemental information. Sidebars come in all shapes and sizes, but they are typically narrower than the main content area.

Whether or not you have a sidebar depends on the design of your blog.  However, it may be worth updating your design to use this strategy. It’s “premium real estate” to put an opt-in box with a nice free offer on your blog sidebar.  That is because it’s one of the first places people look. Take a look at the most popular blogs on the internet.   Notice that they all employ this strategy.

As a blogger, have a goal for each piece of material you create. Make a sale, establish yourself as an authority figure, and so on. Another excellent goal is to produce blog entries in order to expand your mailing list. Simply include an opt-in box at the beginning, middle, or end of your article.


Pop-ups —

build an email listA blog popup is a type of pop up window that is specifically designed for use on a blog. It is generally smaller in size than a traditional pop up, and its job is to provide the reader with information about the author or the blog itself.

Use a blog popup to provide the reader with information about upcoming posts, new products or services, or simply to introduce the author. They are generally very easy to create, and can be a valuable tool for increasing reader engagement.

Use pop-ups to develop your list in a variety of ways on your site. Have a pop-up appear when readers first arrive on your page, when they try to leave, when a specific link is visited, and so on.


The Footer of Your Blog –

A blog footer is a small piece of text that appears at the bottom of a blog post. It typically contains information about the author of the post, such as their name and contact information. The footer also often includes links to other posts on the blog and to the blog’s home page.

The job of the blog footer is to provide readers with information about the author of the post.  It also provides them with links to other posts on the blog and to the blog’s home page. The footer also helps to ensure that readers can easily find this information regardless of what device they are using.

Most bloggers include a blog footer in their posts, as it is an important part of creating a cohesive and well-designed blog. The size of the footer can vary, but it should be large enough for readers to easily see and use it.

Many people overlook their website’s footer, and if you’re one of them, you’re missing out on another precious piece of real estate. Make sure to include an opt-in form there.


Sticky Bars —

These are top-of-page “bars” that scroll with the user as they scroll through your site. I wouldn’t recommend constructing a large one because it will obstruct the user’s ability to navigate your site, and you’ll lose them quickly. A colored sticky bar at the top of your site with a call to action to visit your squeeze page, on the other hand, is a terrific approach to get people to sign up for your email list.


Side note:

There are several excellent solutions available that will allow you to use all of these in one package. Although it is a premium WordPress plugin, Thrive Leads is one of the greatest all-in-one solutions available. I strongly advise you to look into it if your blog is powered by WordPress.


Tactic #2: Use A Subscribe Link In Your Top Menu


build an email listA blog top menu is a navigational bar that is usually located at the top of a blog’s homepage. It usually contains links to the main sections of a blog, such as posts, pages, comments, and archives. The menu also typically contains a link to the blog’s RSS feed and email subscription form. The menu is an important part of a blog because it allows readers to easily navigate around the blog. It also helps readers find the main sections of the blog. The size of a blog’s top menu depends on the size of the homepage.

If your blog has a menu at the top, include a link to your lead capture page in it.  Use a single-word CTA like “updates,” “subscribe,” “free offer,” and so on, and link it to your lead capture page. Visitors who click this will be sent directly to your lead capture page, where they may sign up for your email list.


Tactic 3 – Content Marketing


build an email listBlog content marketing is a term used to describe the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a target audience. The purpose of blog content marketing is to establish an authoritative voice and create visibility for a brand or company. Blog content marketing is one of the most efficient ways to build an audience because it targets potential customers who are actively looking for information relevant to their interests.

The job of blog content marketing is to produce engaging, informative, and useful content that will keep readers coming back for more. Content must be well written, accurate, and timely in order to be successful. Quality blog content can help businesses achieve their marketing goals by increasing website traffic, generating leads, and building brand awareness.

If you have a blog, you should surely make use of all of the stuff you post there. Search engine optimization (SEO) and sharing your material on social media are two of the most popular ways to use content marketing. Simply include a call to action for your lead capture page and/or an opt-in form in posts.   Wherever you’re utilizing content marketing strategies so that individuals who find your material through your efforts can join your email list.


Tactic 4 – Guest Blog Posting


A guest blog post is a blog article or entry that is not written by the blog’s owner or regular contributor. Guest blog posts are often used to bring attention to new blogs, to highlight noteworthy content on an existing blog, or to provide a different perspective on a topic.  These blog posts can also be a way for bloggers to build relationships with other bloggers and potential readers.

Guest blogging is a great way to share your content with a new audience, while also gaining exposure to new readers yourself. When you guest blog on another blogger’s site, their readers will see your name and link prominently displayed on the post, and you’ll get a link back to your own site from theirs.

You’re a blogger with the ability to create material. That’s a useful talent to have, and you can use it to more than just your own site. Look for guest blog posts on other blogs in your niche. To build your email list, write amazing content for them and connect back to your blog or lead capture website. This is a terrific strategy because you can use other blogs’ traffic to grow your own email list.


Tactic #5: Encourage Sharing Of Your Posts That Build Your List


build an email listOne of my favorite aspects of a blog (assuming you’re using WordPress) is all of the incredible plugins you can use to do a variety of tasks. There are multiple plugins available that allow you to place social share buttons on your blog in various locations. You can utilize “floating” buttons that scroll with the viewer as they read your blog post.

Buttons can be placed before and/or after your blog post.   They can be placed on your side bar, and more, but always urge viewers to share your posts and blog.  This will drive a lot of extra attention to your blog and so grow your email list.   To accomplish this enhance your skills at encouraging others to share your material.


Tactic 6 – Content Locking


Blog content locking is a process that locks your blog posts so that only authorized users can view them. It’s job is to ensure that only authorized people can view your blog posts and protect them from being stolen or copied. We need it because it helps keep our blog posts safe and secure. It can be used with either a password or a key. The size of it can vary, but most are around 10-15mb.

Do you have a fantastic piece of content? To get people to opt-in to see your piece of content, use content locking. Now, you’ll need to put some effort into this and truly make people want to obtain access to your content (by using persuasive prose and clearly stating the benefits of reading your blog post), but this is a terrific approach to encourage people to sign up for your mailing list.


Take Strong Action

As I previously stated, a blog is an essential component of your business’s foundation. If you don’t already have one, I strongly advise you to get one.  Then use as many of the strategies I’ve discussed here to grow your email list. Always put the user’s experience on your blog first priority.   However, use as many of these strategies as you can.  Your goal is to constantly put an opt-in form or lead capture page in front of the viewer.

To help expand your understanding of 6 ways to build your list with a blog, read our article Email Copywriting that Builds Your List .  To connect this process with PLR content, visit plradvisor.com the article Building A Website for Selling PLR


Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!