How To Create A Lead Magnet To Build Your Email List





How To Create A Lead Magnet To Build Your Email List


How to create a lead magnet to build your email list?  It is an important process, and we have the details for you below.  We  also suggest an article from that touches on lead magnets, entitled The Complete Guide to Email List Building.  Give that a read to give some context to the topic of lead magnets .  Enjoy, and take strong action !


You’re on the right track in your list-building adventure if you’re seeking strategies to construct a lead magnet to grow your email list. Lead magnets are a terrific way to attract people to sign up for your email list by using them on squeeze pages. However, your lead magnet must be something that your target audience desires. Something they’d be willing to pay for if they could get their hands on it. Yes, it has to be that fantastic.   Otherwise visitors would simply click away from your squeeze page and disappear for good.


In this article, we’ll go over how to make a lead magnet that really encourages people to sign up for your mailing list.   We will also explore the varieties of lead magnets you may make. Let me start by giving you some pointers to bear in mind while you create your lead magnet!


Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!


Tip #1:

When deciding what type of lead magnet to develop, consider what your target audience wants or requires. What issues do they have that you could help them with? What are they interested in learning about? You may find this out by looking at what your target audience is talking about on social media or by conducting keyword research. Create your lead magnet using that information.


Tip #2:

Be as descriptive as possible. Because you can make multiple lead magnets, be very explicit about who your lead magnet is for.   For example, let’s say you’re in the self-help niche   Your target audience is likely to have a wide range of wants and requirements.  If you’re selling a product about how to be happier in life, you’ll need to design a lead magnet that is hyper-specific to that issue.


Tip #3:

Keep your lead magnets simple and easy to consume while you’re trying to establish your initial email list. When a lead has no idea who you are or how you can help them, they are unlikely to pay attention to you. However, if you can provide them with a result fast and easily, they’ll pay attention to you when you email them!


Tip #4:

The lead magnet you want to offer them will vary depending on the lead. For example, if you’re designing a lead magnet to entice individuals to sign up for a high-ticket offer, you might want to go into further detail and provide a lot of information. The polar opposite of the preceding suggestion.


Tip #5:

Regardless of the type of lead magnet you produce, make sure it appears professional and has a great design that attracts people’s attention. This is sometimes overlooked, but the person’s “experience” has a significant impact on how they engage with you. With internet tools like Canva, anyone can build beautiful lead magnets, and if you can’t do it yourself, you can always hire someone to do it for you. It’s that critical!


Tip #6:

As I previously stated, you may and should create various lead magnets, so always be on the lookout for new lead magnet ideas to help you grow your email list or establish an email list for a particular purpose or funnel.


Tip #7:

Don’t be afraid to think beyond the box! Free ebooks are being given away by everyone and their dog. How will you stand out in a crowd if you do the same thing? Look at what other people in your niche are utilising as lead magnets and come up with something unique!


Tip #8:

It should go without saying, but you should make your lead magnet extremely easy to obtain and consume. Your lead magnet will never accomplish its job if you ask for too much information, make people jump through hoops, and so on, so make sure it’s a “straight shot” for people to get to your lead magnet.


Tip #9:

Make a sale from your lead magnet. Now, I’m not suggesting that you plaster adverts and links all over your lead magnet, but you might include items in your lead magnet that you want people to buy from you. Make sure whatever you’re selling in your lead magnet coincides with why the person signed up for it in the first place, but you absolutely want to be selling in your lead magnets.


Tip #10:

Don’t be scared to go overboard with your generosity. What I mean is, don’t hold back your greatest ideas, information, or resources just because you don’t think you’ll be able to profit from the person who signed up for your lead magnet. Now, as I previously stated, your lead magnet should be easy to digest, so you don’t want to provide too much, but you should never hold back your best. The goal of your lead magnet is to “wow” the individual who reads it.


Tip #11:

My final piece of advice is to always listen to folks who use your lead magnets so you can improve them. List building will be much easier and you’ll see much greater results once you have an awesome lead magnet. Following up with someone who has downloaded your lead magnet for feedback is a good idea. Put your lead magnet in front of a group of people (for example, your mastermind group or peers) and ask for comments to see what you can do to improve it.


Some Examples of Types of Lead Magnets

Now that we’ve covered everything, here’s a list of the different types of lead magnets you can make. Take a look at this list to see which sort of lead magnet would be ideal for you.




Book on CD

XYZ’s Finest




Access to the Public


Study of Cases




Quotes Compilation

Coupon/Discount Code

Purchasing Tickets for an Event

Course through email

Design Elements for Free

Try it for free.






Create a mind map










List of Resources



Material for Sales

Guide to Studying

Ebooks with only a few pages

File Swipe


Cliff Notes/Summary






Transcripts of Videos

List of People on the Waiting List


White Papers are a type of document that is used to


Take Strong Action !!

I’ve given you a lot of information here, so use what you’ve learned in the tips section to come up with a concept for what your lead magnet will do to benefit your target audience, choose the type of lead magnet you’ll make, and get started developing your list!

Check out this series of tips from on how to use your plr products.  Most of the tips involve giving away the rewritten product.  There are 71 tips in total;  give them a quick read to get a better idea of what a lead magnet could do for you and your business.


Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!