Email Copywriting That Builds Your List



Email Copywriting That Builds Your List

You may build your email list in a variety of ways.  The list goes on and on with lead capture sites, squeeze pages, social media posts, and so on, but what do they all have in common?  Email copywriting, and it’s one purpose.


They’re all attempting to entice the viewer to provide their email address to you.

Period! That is the payoff!

Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!

Here is a link to an article on that includes working your list as a top application for PLR products.


Email Copywriting That Builds Your ListBottom line, if you want to grow your email list, you must be able to write convincing words (also known as copy) that persuade people to give you their email address. You’re done before you even start if you don’t have this talent or the means to pay someone who does. If the words on your page/post don’t encourage the viewer to opt-in to your list, all of your list-building efforts will be for naught.


Because lead capture pages (also known as squeeze pages) are where you should be directing the majority of your traffic, I’m going to offer you a quick crash course on how to write convincing text that convinces people to sign up for your email list. Here are all of the elements that go into creating a strong lead capture page:


The headline reads:


Email Copywriting That Builds Your ListThis is, without a doubt, the most crucial aspect of your lead capture page. You have about 3 seconds to stop visitors from clicking away and grab their attention with your title. You can accomplish this by promising a specific result. When someone opts in and consumes your lead magnet, what will be the outcome? If you describe it in an interesting and time-sensitive manner, people will stop and come to your…


The Pitch/Proposal:


Email Copywriting That Builds Your List You must “pitch” the lead magnet to your viewer, whatever it is. Make sure they understand the advantages of opting in and using it straight away. This is an important aspect, and your copy should focus on your audience and the benefits they will receive as a result of downloading your lead magnet.



The Cry for Help:


Create a call to action that tells individuals exactly what they should do and reiterates the benefits of doing so. People will not do the obvious thing on their own, therefore you must explain them exactly what to do and what will happen if they do it.


Here’s an illustration… “Enter your name and email address in the form below, and I’ll send XYZ to your inbox so you can XYZ right now.”


The Sign-Up Form:


When it comes to developing a lead capture page, most individuals forget the opt-in form. You’ll need to put some strategies into action here.


If you don’t already, make sure you explain that you don’t SPAM or sell their information. Also, don’t use generic terms on your opt-in button like “Sign Up For Updates,” “Subscribe,” or “Sign Up For My Newsletter.” Use a compelling call to action to persuade them to click the opt-in button.


The Proof of Others:


Email Copywriting That Builds Your ListBig authority people who have talked about you, places you’ve been published, how many subscribers you have, how many downloads you have, and testimonials are all examples of social proof. It’s an established fact that adding social proof to your lead capture page can improve conversions. This will result in additional subscriptions, so don’t miss out!


If you’re just beginning started, testimonials may be all you have, which is OK. Simply identify a few folks that have profited from your lead magnet, read your content, and so on.


Those are the essential elements that your lead capture page should include, and you should practice building each one thoroughly. Examine how each component was made. Both Google and YouTube have a wealth of knowledge on this subject, and when you combine research with practice, you’ll notice that you improve your ability to create each component.


Finally, here are some pointers to bear in mind when creating your lead capture page:

Email Copywriting That Builds Your List

Tip #1:

It’s critical that your lead capture page be speedy, straightforward, and easy to use! Use the least amount of copy possible for each component. Simply get to the point and focus on the benefits that the user will receive. Make it as simple as possible for the audience to opt-in. As little information as possible is requested.


Tip #2:

I’ve seen some dreadful lead capture sites in my time, and I never read the headline, so I never see what they’re giving. I simply close the browser window and am no longer there. Create a clean design for your lead capture pages, and I recommend using page builder templates or maybe hiring a professional to do it for you. Don’t waste time and money driving traffic to a lead capture page with a terrible design.


Tip #3:

Make sure that your lead capture page is free of all distractions. Links to legal documents are permitted in your footer, but there should be no other links or advertisements. All you need is your copy and an opt-in form with minimal graphics.


Tip #4:

Use numerous opt-in forms if your lead capture page is intended for it. You’ll need one “above the fold” and one near the bottom for people who scroll down to the bottom of the page. You’d be surprised how many people land on a website and immediately scroll to the bottom.


Tip #5:

This is a fantastic tip, so don’t overlook it. Exit intent pop-ups appear when people try to leave your website and offer them your similar offer, but in a way that makes them feel like they’ll miss out if they don’t opt-in right now.


Here’s an illustration… Wait! Don’t You Want To XYZ? You’ll never be able to XYZ if you leave now, so grab it now.


Now I’m going to write something pretty generic, but you get the idea. As I previously stated, don’t overlook this advice because it has the potential to skyrocket your conversion rates!


You’ve got a fantastic start now with all of the knowledge I’ve just given you! But there are two things I strongly suggest:

Email Copywriting That Builds Your List

Recommendation No. 1:

Never stop studying how to write lead capture page text. Study everything you can on the subject that you can get your hands on. Each of the components I’ve discussed so far must be mastered.


Recommendation #2:

Hire folks that have a track record of writing copy for lead capture pages until you have mastered it.


To Sum Up

When it comes to email list creation, nothing is more crucial than being able to produce copy that persuades people to join your list and generating targeted traffic to your lead capture sites. I can’t emphasize this enough. So, take what you’ve learned here, get specialists to assist you when you can, and never stop learning because this is one of two abilities that will help you create an email list.


Note:  for congruent training on email lists, go to our Etsy Store SmallBizToolsTactics !  You will find PDFs, videos, spreadsheets … all formats supporting your training in email list mastery!