How to Optimize Your Site Speed



How to Optimize Your Site Speed


We live in an age where everyone is concerned about site speed and performance. With millions of websites running WordPress, it’s no wonder that so many people are looking for ways to optimize their websites. If your website isn’t loading quickly, it can spell disaster for your business. This is especially true for WordPress sites, where the average website can easily take 10 seconds to load. Many of the problems come from outdated plugins and themes, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, they may just get worse over time.

In this article, I’m going to teach you how to speed up your WordPress site so you can achieve high rankings on Google’s search engine results pages.


What affects Site Speed?


We’ve all had the experience of being stuck on a slow website. You spend a few seconds clicking around looking for information or getting lost in a maze of pages trying to find what you’re looking for. But why is it that some websites are so slow to load? In most cases, it’s due to poor web hosting. If you’re planning to build a WordPress site, here are the 5 major factors that impact WordPress website speed:


1. Load Time is Site Speed


The first thing to consider is how long it takes for your website to load. The faster your site loads, the better. Aim for a load time of 1 second or less, as studies show visitors tend to leave if it takes longer than this.


2. Website Size


The more complex your website is, the longer it will take to load. Simple websites with few pages usually load faster. A combination of content and plugins can slow things down, though. If you have a lot of content or videos on your website, it will take longer to load. Plugins can also add to the loading time.


3. Hosting


How hosting affects website speed is an important question to consider when building a website. Different types of hosting can have different impacts on website speed. For example, shared hosting can be slower than dedicated hosting because you are sharing server resources with other websites.


4. Graphics and Images


Big, high-quality images can look great on a website, but they can also slow down the site’s loading speed. This can be frustrating for visitors, so it’s important to only use high-quality images where they are needed. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing visitors before they even get a chance to see your site.


5. Plugins and Themes


If you have too many plugins on your website, it can slow down your site. This is because each plugin has to load, and if there are a lot of them, it can take a while. Additionally, if a plugin is incompatible with your theme or website, it can cause loading problems. So it’s important to be careful when choosing plugins for your site.

And last but not least, the theme you choose plays a big role in your site’s performance. It is important to choose a theme that is well-coded, lightweight, and loads efficiently. A poorly coded or heavy theme can drag down your site’s performance and lead to a less than ideal user experience. So when choosing a theme for your site, be sure to consider its code quality and efficiency.

These are just a few of the things that can affect WordPress website speed. To get a better understanding of how to speed up your website, you can also consult a WordPress expert. They can help you to identify the areas of your website that need improvement and can provide you with tips on how to speed up your website.


How to check your Site Speed


GTMetrix is a free website speed testing tool that quickly evaluates the performance of your web page. To use it, simply visit `` and click on the “Run Test” button.

GTMetrix will then begin to analyze your page. To make sure your page loads properly, GTMetrix shows you a list of broken links, images, and other elements that may cause your web page to load slowly. It also gives you tips on what you can do to speed up your load speed.


Ways to improve website speed


According to Kissmetrics, 40% of page views are abandoned if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Not only that, but an increase in load times leads to a decrease in user experience, which means fewer people will come back to your website.

So, how do you make your WordPress website load faster? Let’s take a look at a few different things you can do:


Use a Caching Plugin:

The first thing you can do is install a caching plugin. Caching plugins will cache your WordPress website’s static content, such as images so that the browser doesn’t have to download them again when it loads the same page. This can make your website load quickly.


Use a CDN for Site Speed:

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers around the world that work together to serve content to users. Using a CDN can drastically speed up your website since it loads content from a local server rather than one located in another country.


Use a good host:

The better your web host is, the faster your website will be.  It’s important to choose a host that has great up-time, plenty of bandwidth, and as little downtime as possible. It’s even better to use a host that is located in the same country as the majority of your website visitors. WP Engine is one of the best.


Reduce the number of plugins you use:

The more plugins you have, the slower your website will be to load. Only use plugins that are necessary and that aren’t bloated with features you don’t need. Avoid using plugins that add custom code to your theme files.


Site Speed and a lightweight theme:

Some themes use a lot of code and images, which can slow your website down. The good news is that there are plenty of lightweight themes available. They’re responsive and load fast. Looking for a great theme? Check out Genesis.




In conclusion, most websites today need to be fast, and WordPress is no exception. But it can be really tough to make sure that your WordPress website loads quickly since there are so many things that can cause it to load slowly. A faster WordPress website will improve your SEO results. Because Google uses page speed as a ranking factor, you want to aim to keep your website load times as low as possible. In fact, you should aim to make it as close to 0.5 seconds as you possibly can.

Do you have any other tips for speeding up your website? Let me know in the comments below!

Click here for an wordpress speed article from .



What is a Good Site Speed?

How Fast Should a Website React? Google considers a PSI score of 90 or higher to be good, 50 to 90 to need improvement, and less than 50 to be bad. To put that into seconds, less than 2.5 seconds is good, between 2.5 and 4 seconds requires work, and more than 4 seconds is terrible.

Does Site Speed Affect Your SEO Performance?

Is an Insights Score of 100/100 Required? The short answer is that SEO is impacted by page speed. Since Google’s Algorithm Speed Update, the reality that page speed is a direct ranking component has become even more apparent. Speed can, however, also have an indirect impact on rankings by shortening dwell times and raising bounce rates.

Does Google Care About Page Speed?

Simply put, site speed affects rankings. You can determine your level of proficiency in that area largely based on the results of your performance test. Nevertheless, Google looks at more than just the figure in the circle at the top of your PageSpeed findings.