Top 5 Strategies for Accomplishing More as an Entrepreneur


Top 5 Strategies for Accomplishing More as an Entrepreneur


If there’s one thing entrepreneurs want, it’s to always accomplish more with their businesses. If a business remains at one level for too long, they lose momentum and stop growing. The need for steady growth and development cannot be overemphasized. But in today’s business climate, so much is unpredictable and the entrepreneur can become easily overwhelmed. Over 50% of small businesses do not survive beyond 5 years.


Keeping up is not easy but with the 5 strategies discussed in this article, entrepreneurs can run more successful businesses.


1.   Organize your business


A poor business organization is the first obstacle you need to overcome if you want to do better. Some entrepreneurs tend to play it by ear rather than make the effort to strategize and organize. The proper organization allows you to easily identify what areas of your business need attention. It also helps you determine how soon you must provide that attention to avoid consequences.


You organize your business in different ways. There’s record-keeping, which is important, especially in business finance. You cannot run a productive business if you cannot account for how money is spent and earned. If you spend half of your workday trying to reconcile cash balances and expenditure, you have little time to do actual work.


There is also an administrative organization where you create to-do lists for your business. Then you attach instructions and deadlines to the task and assign them to your employees. If you run your business alone, a to-do list will help you stay on top of things.


2.   Stay focused


Entrepreneurship can be exciting but it is no joke. Staying focused may not sound like some super strategy but it is. Tough days in business are inevitable and so are tough tasks. It is rather easy to get distracted from tasks at hand or long-term business goals. To maintain focus and motivation, write down your business goals. That will guide you when making decisions and identify things that distract you from your business priorities.


It takes time to accomplish much as an entrepreneur or in any aspect of life. Consistency is key for accomplishing more, you need to apply effort every day. Little progress you make daily will accumulate into great accomplishments after some days or months.



3.   Embrace change bravely


Change is inevitable and if your business is resistant to change, it might be left behind. You need to be open to new ideas and approaches as a lack of adaptability can cause business failure. During the covid-19 pandemic, rather than shut down completely, many entrepreneurs changed their business models to match the challenges. Restaurants explored doorstep food delivery and a lot of retail stores moved online.


Businesses are becoming more data-driven and automated. Use digital tools to automate processes like ordering and payment. Take advantage of apps that help you manage your time and projects better. Remote work is fast gaining ground. Use remote services to employ the best talents from anywhere in the world.


Change comes with risks, so learn to take calculated risks. If you lack the expertise to assess the risks of a business decision, hire a consultant.


4.   Build better relationships


As an entrepreneur, people are your most valuable resource. Work at creating better interpersonal relationships with your employees and contractors. Employees who feel respected and appreciated are more motivated. They are more likely to apply extra care and creativity to their work than their paycheck covers.


Your relationship with your customers or clients is important. If you do not have direct contact with customers, you should engineer policies and processes for better customer relations. Because your customer’s perception of you and your business determines if they will return. It also influences what they say to others about you. Entrepreneurs risk failure if they fail to make a connection with their customer base.


Competition helps create an environment for growth and is therefore important. You should also maintain cordial relationships with your business competitors. You can learn valuable lessons from the way they run their businesses. Opportunities for collaboration could also arise.


5.   Stay open to learning


If you are open to learning new things, you would be a little less frightened of change. As an entrepreneur, you make all the important business decisions and you don’t want to do that from a place of ignorance. You may know a lot right now, but things change almost every day. Possessing current information and vast knowledge can determine how well you leverage positive change and control damage if the situation is negative.


You need to pay attention to emerging global trends, not just things happening in your locality. Globalization and the internet have made the world a lot smaller and more connected than ever. That presents many opportunities to the entrepreneur that’s constantly learning to improve themselves and their business.


If you are ready to learn, find entrepreneurs or advisors in your industry or related fields. Read their books, subscribe to newsletters, listen to their podcasts and watch their vlogs if you can.





Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of work. But the entrepreneur who is strategic about their approach to business will always come out on top. Because they know what kind of efforts to put in and understand when and how to put in those efforts.