What is Onboarding and why do you need it ?



What is Onboarding and why do you need it ?

Onboarding is the process of helping new members get started and familiar with the site. It can include everything from a welcome video to a guided tour of the site’s features. Onboarding is a great way to reduce churn and ensure that new members are getting the most out of their membership. It’s also a great way to build a relationship with new members and get them engaged with the site from the start.

If you’re running a membership site, then you know how important it is to have a good onboarding process for your members. After all, you want them to be able to access your content and use your site as soon as possible.


Why is onboarding so important?


Onboarding is an important step in ensuring that the new members stick around and become active, engaged members. Think about it this way: if you were to join a new membership site today, wouldn’t you appreciate a guided tour of the site and its content? Wouldn’t it be helpful to have someone show you around, explain how the site works, and give you a few tips on getting the most out of the site?

Of course, you would! We all appreciate a little help when we’re first getting started with something new. That’s why onboarding is so important. By taking the time to onboard new members, you’re not only helping them get started on the right foot, but you’re also building goodwill and trust. After all, if you’re willing to help new members get acclimated to your site, they’re more likely to stick around and remain engaged over the long term.

There are a few key reasons why onboarding is so important:

1. It helps new members feel welcome and comfortable

When someone joins a new membership, they can feel a bit like a fish out of water. It can be overwhelming to try to figure out where to start and what to do. Onboarding helps new members feel welcome and gives them a clear path to follow. It’s a way to show them that you value their membership and want to help them get the most out of it.

2. It sets expectations for the membership experience

One of the biggest challenges for any membership site is managing expectations. New members may have different ideas about what your membership can do for them. Onboarding helps manage those expectations by setting out what the member experience will be like. It’s a way to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect.

3. It helps you retain members

The goal of any business is to grow, and that means acquiring and retaining customers. Onboarding helps with retention by ensuring that new members have a positive experience from the start. It’s been shown that businesses with strong onboarding programs retain more customers than those without. So if you want to keep your members, onboarding is a key part of the equation.

4. It helps you upsell and cross-sell.

Onboarding is also a great opportunity to upsell and cross-sell your members on other products and services. If you can provide value and show them how your other offerings can help them, you’re more likely to make a sale.

5. It’s an opportunity to build relationships.

Onboarding is an opportunity to build relationships with your members. It’s a chance to connect with them and get to know them on a personal level. If you can establish a strong relationship with a new member, you’re more likely to keep them as a customer for life.


So how do you make sure your membership site onboarding is up to par?


Any membership site, whether it’s a subscription service, an online course, or anything in between, needs to have a process in place to welcome and onboard new members. This process should be carefully designed to ensure that new members have a positive experience from the start and are set up for success with your membership site.

There are a few key components to a good onboarding process:

1. A clear and concise welcome message

When a customer joins your site, they should receive a welcome message that is clear and concise. This message should explain what your membership site is all about, what they can expect from being a member, and how to get started.

2. A tour of your site

New members should be given a tour of your site so they can get familiar with the layout and navigation. This tour can be given via video, screenshots, or text, depending on what will work best for your particular membership site. Your membership site’s interface should be well-designed and user-friendly. Everything should be easy to find and navigate, and members should be able to perform all the necessary actions with just a few clicks.

3. Explanation of the benefits of being a member

Your welcome message and tour should also include an explanation of the benefits of being a member of your site. What are the perks of being a member? What exclusive content or features can they access? Why should they stick around?

4. A call to action

Your welcome message and tour should end with a call to action, telling the new member what they should do next. Do you want them to dive into the content and start learning? Or do you want them to sign up for a free trial? Whatever it is, make sure your call to action is clear and easy to follow.

5. An introduction to the community

One of the best things about membership sites is the community that surrounds them. In order to get new members off to a good start, it’s important to introduce them to the community and help them get involved.

6. Follow-up communication

After a member joins your site, it’s important to follow up with them to see how they’re doing and if they have any questions. This follow-up communication can be in the form of automated emails, live chat, or even a personal phone call.

7. A focus on customer support

If something goes wrong or members have questions, they should be able to easily get in touch with customer support. Make sure you have a robust customer support system in place and train your team to handle all types of inquiries.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your new members have a positive experience from the start and are set up for success with your membership site.



In conclusion, onboarding is an important process to ensure that your new members are getting the most out of your membership site and are properly engaged. It can help to increase member retention and encourage them to stick around longer. By providing a great onboarding experience, you can help set your members up for success and create a more loyal community.

For further membership information from our site, click here .

To visit PLRAdvisor.com section on memberships , click here .



What is Member Onboarding?

The process of introducing a member to your organization, its principles, member benefits they can use, and expectations for them is known as member onboarding.

What is the Minimum Viable Onboarding?

A minimal feasible onboarding process is a completely other animal; its goals are to excite members, personalize the onboarding flow, and guide them in a direction that expedites the attainment of experience value. You must comprehend your users and the factors that influence their behavior in order to achieve that effectively.

What is a Bad Onboarding Experience ? 

You want to feel appreciated, welcomed, and well-trained as a new member. A member who has a poor onboarding experience may feel demotivated, unsupported, and cut off from the membership culture.   Admin may hear from that individual or that individual may just become non-participatory.