How to Market Online Courses


How to Market Online Courses


How to market online courses is a required skill as they are one of the fastest growing sources of income for online marketers. With the increasing popularity of self-study and online education, it is essential for any online course creator to get their content seen by more people. So, how do you convince students to pay money to learn from you? You don’t need to be a master marketer to succeed at marketing your online courses. We’ve pulled together a list of tips for marketing online courses that will get you better results faster.


Create a Landing Page:

There are a few best practices to follow when marketing your online course in order to increase revenue. One best practice is to create a landing page specifically for your course. A landing page is a great way to introduce potential students to your online course. It should be well-designed and include information about the course, such as the price and what students can expect to learn.  This page should include the benefits students will receive and a video overview. You can also include testimonials from past students to help demonstrate the value of your course.


Create a buzz before your course launches:

Before you launch your course, it’s important to start building buzz. Don’t wait until you have a launch date set to start building anticipation. Start teasing your potential students a month or two in advance.

One great way to create a buzz before your course launches is to do a pre-launch promotion. This can include anything from writing blog posts about the course to doing a webinar or podcast interview to sending out an email announcing the course to your subscribers. You can also offer a discount for people who sign up for the course before it launches. Also, consider running a contest or giveaway on social media or on your website. This can be a great way to drum up excitement for your course and attract new students.

Marketing is a critical component of online course success. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and become repetitive when it comes to marketing. Instead of getting into a routine of the same old thing, try thinking outside of the box and being creative with how you market your online course.


Social media marketing:

Social media can be a great tool to market your online course to students around the world. If you choose to go this route, you can use the platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to reach more people in different countries and regions. Remember that your social media presence is most effective when you connect with your potential students on their own turf. It’s not enough to simply have a presence on social media; you have to make meaningful connections with your audience.


Paid marketing:

There are many ways to market an online course, but paid marketing is a great starting point because it helps you get started quickly (and sometimes with little upfront cost). Paid advertising has been around for a very long time. It’s one of the oldest forms of marketing. Companies use paid ads to market their products and services to customers.

There are a number of paid marketing strategies that can be used to promote your online course. One approach is to use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, which allows you to place ads for your course on websites that receive a high volume of traffic. PPC advertising can be expensive, but it can be very effective in reaching a large number of potential students.

Another paid marketing strategy is to use social media advertising. For example, FB Ads. This approach allows you to target specific audiences based on their interests and demographics. Retargeting is another tool you can use to advertise your course to folks who have already visited your website or interacted with your social media posts. Reaching your potential clients can be done extremely well using paid marketing techniques.

Organic marketing:

This approach uses techniques like search engine optimisation (SEO) and content marketing to drive traffic to your site. Because these strategies rely on creating valuable content and optimising it for the web, they can be a great way to attract potential students who are already interested in your subject matter.

SEO is one of the most important, as it can help potential students find your course when they are searching for related terms online. By optimising your course website for keywords that are related to your topic, you can make it more visible on search engine results pages. This will help potential students find your course more easily.

Content marketing is another key strategy. By creating high-quality blog posts, articles, and other content related to your course topic, you can attract attention to your course and help potential students learn more about it. This type of marketing can also help you build a stronger online presence and establish yourself as an authority in your field.


Make use of email marketing:

Email marketing can be an extremely effective way.  You can create a targeted email list of potential students and send them promotional materials, such as discounts or free preview lessons. Sending regular email newsletters to your subscribers announcing new courses, discounts, and other promotions will keep them informed and interested in what you have to offer.

When you send an email to your subscribers, you have their attention and can promote your course in a way that’s personal and relevant to them. You can also track how many people open and click-through your email, which can help you determine its effectiveness.


Host webinars:

Live webinars are a fantastic way to draw prospective students and offer them a taste of the course. Webinars can also be used to raise revenue and generate leads.

Hosting a webinar requires that you:

1) Get the word out in advance. Inform prospective students of the time and place by using email marketing, social media, and other avenues.

2) Make the presentation interesting and engaging. Use videos, images, and other multimedia elements to keep participants engaged.

3) Provide a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. This allows participants to ask questions and get answers from you directly.

4) Follow up with participants after the webinar.


Get in touch with influencers:

An influencer is someone who has a large following on social media or in their industry and can help promote your course to their audience. By reaching out to people who have a large following on social media or elsewhere online, you can expose your course to a wider audience. In order to find the right influencers to work with, do some research and identify those who are relevant to your course topic. Reach out to them via email or social media and explain what your course is about. Ask if they would be interested in promoting it to their followers. You may be surprised at how receptive they are!


Use affiliates:

Affiliate marketing is a great way to market your online course and increase revenue.  Partner with an affiliate.  They will promote your course to their audience in exchange for a commission on any sales that result from their promotion. Affiliates are typically bloggers, social media influencers, or other online content creators who have a large following of potential students.

To find affiliates to partner with, start by doing a search for “online course affiliate programs.” This will give you a list of programs that match your course topic and target audience. Next, reach out to the program managers and ask if they are interested in promoting your course. Be sure to provide them with all the necessary information.  This will include your course URL, pricing information, and promotional materials. Finally, make sure to track the results of your affiliate partnerships.


Offer a free trial:

When marketing an online course, it’s important to consider a variety of strategies in order to increase revenue. One way to do this is by offering a free trial. This allows potential students to test out the course before deciding whether or not to purchase it. It also helps build trust and can lead to increased enrollment in the course.


Give a discount for early enrollment:

It’s important to give potential students a reason to enroll early. One way to do this is by offering a discount for enrolling before a certain date. This incentive can be especially effective in encouraging people who are on the fence about signing up.  It might be enough to take the plunge and join your course. You can entice potential students to sign up by offering them a lower price for enrolling. This can help boost enrollment numbers and bring in more revenue.


Provide bonuses:

When marketing your online course, it’s important to think outside the box and provide bonuses that students will find appealing. This could be in the form of a discount for signing up early, or a complimentary ebook or video course.   Perhaps even a one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Whatever bonuses you choose, make sure they are relevant to your course and that they will help to attract and retain students.

Offering bonuses is a great way to show your customers that you’re serious about helping them learn and get the most out of your course. It also helps set you apart from other online course providers and can make your course more appealing to potential students. You can not only increase your revenue but also build a more loyal student base that will continue to enro in your courses year after year.



In conclusion, this list was compiled to help you with a few of the best strategies to use to market your online course to your current and prospective students. This article is meant to offer some practical ideas and advice on how to get started on your journey to being an amazing online course creator.

A note about online learning.  While there is much debate about the effectiveness of online learning (check out this article for some detractor details), the motivation of adult learners is what makes them perfect for this mode of learning delivery.  I think that an inclusion of how to learn best online is a component of responsible online course creation.



How Big Is the Market For Online Courses?

The size of the global online education market was estimated at USD 38.72 billion in 2022 and is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.10% from USD 48.05 billion in 2023 to USD 270.32 billion by 2031.

Are Online Courses Still Popular?

Roughly 1.1 million students attend online schools and universities in the United States, making up 6% of all postsecondary students. Approximately 53% of American students pursuing postsecondary degrees in 2021 enrolled in at least some online courses. About 26% of students only studied online.

How To Sell Courses On Instagram?

Here’s how to increase impressions and sales:
Create a compelling bio that explains the course’s objectives and how to enroll.
Put a URL in your Instagram bio.
Make information about your course visible by using Highlights.
Give your Instagram profile a unique look by designing it.