9 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Online Course



9 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating an Online Course


Creating an online course is an exciting endeavour. However, to succeed, it’s crucial to understand that there are 9 mistakes to avoid when creating an online course.  These mistakes will derail your efforts and leave you with a huge investment in time and energy, with little results to show for it.

In the age of the internet and online courses, there’s no shortage of training out there to learn anything from building websites to learning guitar. But how do you know what will work best for you and what you should absolutely avoid when it comes to making your first online course?

When it comes to running a profitable online course, there are a few major pitfalls that many people make that can really ruin the entire experience. We’ll get into some of the top things you should steer clear of.


1. Lack of Structure:

A lack of structure is a common mistake that people make when creating an online course. Before you start designing your online course, you need to set some ground rules. If you don’t set clear guidelines, you are likely to end up with a bunch of loose ideas that will confuse your students. If you have no structure, you will end up losing your focus. This means that you should create a logical, sequential plan for the course.

People won’t learn anything if you don’t structure the information you share. You need to provide everything that you want people to know about so that they will retain the information in their minds. Make sure that you provide everything that people need. People have to understand the basics of what they need to know first before they move forward. They won’t learn anything if you don’t teach them in a sequence. People learn differently, and they also need guidance. The key is to plan ahead. If you don’t have a plan, you are wasting your time. You need to have a clear plan before you begin to design your course.


2. Don’t create a course just to make money:


Make sure that you have a solid reason for creating your course. The most common reason why people create online courses is to make money. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to make money, this is not the only reason why you should create an online course. Before you start creating your course, you need to think about your real intentions. Why are you making it? Will your online course really help people? If not, then don’t do it. You should never forget that the purpose of an online course is to help others.


3. Don’t make your course a copy of someone else’s:


If you create a course that looks exactly like another person’s, you’re going to get some negative feedback. Don’t be like a copycat. Even if you don’t mean to copy someone else, that is what happens. It is better to put your own unique twist on it.

So, make sure that you aren’t copying somebody else’s online course. If you do that, you might be infringing copyright law, and you could even face a lawsuit. Your courses should be based on your own experiences, not on others’. If you do use someone else’s ideas, make sure you give credit to them and mention that you have used their material.


4. Not testing the course:

A lot of people fail in their ventures because they didn’t test their products well enough. They are so focused on getting rich that they don’t bother to test their product or service first. If you want to be successful with an online course, you have to do more than just sell it online. You must test the course before you release it to your target audience. If you don’t, you could get complaints from your users. Test your course thoroughly before you begin to offer it. This is very important. You have to make sure that everything is perfect. Otherwise, you might find yourself having to refund money to a lot of people who bought your course.


5. Failing to market the course:

The biggest mistake new online entrepreneurs make is that they don’t think about how to get the word out about their course. You should put enough effort into marketing the course. Don’t just sit back and expect people to find you. You need to put together a marketing strategy that is going to be effective. Without marketing your online course, no one will know about it. Make sure that you are ready with your promotional materials before you start selling the course. You can even hire someone to promote your course for you.


6. Quality over quantity:

The quality should always outweigh the quantity. When you create a lot of content, it is easy to publish them, but you have to think about the impact of each one. Make sure that your audience gets value out of your content. If they don’t, they will simply ignore your course. A great way to determine whether the quality of your content is good enough is by asking yourself these questions. Do you know what your audience wants? Do you know the issues they care about the most? Can you help them solve these problems?


7. Not focusing on learner needs:

Learners must be your top priority. They are the reason you are offering an online course. You need to make sure that they are satisfied with the course. Most learners will want a clear, concise lesson that is easy to understand. It is important that you pay attention to the learner’s needs when you are creating an online course.

For instance, if you want to create an online course about weight loss, you need to make sure that you include different aspects of losing weight. You need to teach people about nutrition, fitness, the importance of sleep, stress management, etc.


8. Poor interaction with your students:

Poor communication can lead to confusion and frustration for students. A common mistake that many people make is that they assume that people know what they are doing, so there’s no need for them to provide any instructions on how to use the course. But, if you want your course to be effective, you need to be available to answer any questions or provide guidance to your students. This is especially important if your course is about a topic that is new to them. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose interest if you don’t get enough help. This makes the course ineffective.


9. Not getting enough feedback:

This is probably one of the most important things to remember when you create an online course. You want to make sure that the people you create the course for are able to benefit from what you teach them. To get feedback, you must be willing to ask for it. Remember, you are not selling a product or a service. You are giving a learning experience. If your learners don’t like what you are teaching them, then it isn’t going to be effective. You need to ensure that your students provide you with valuable feedback. Ask them what they like and what they don’t like. This is very important because this feedback can help you improve your course.



In conclusion, if you want your course to be successful, you must ensure that it’s engaging and interesting for your students. And the best way to do that is by creating a compelling course experience for them. This involves creating a unique course design and delivering engaging lessons that are clear, concise, and informative. Most importantly, it requires creating a course outline that maps out all of the key components and elements of your course. Once you’ve created this outline, it’s time to start implementing it!

A note about online learning.  While there is much debate about the effectiveness of online learning (check out this article for some detractor details), the motivation of adult learners is what makes them perfect for this mode of learning delivery.  I think that an inclusion of how to learn best online is a component of responsible online course creation.

See our entire section of articles on ‘Create Online Courses’ here



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