7 Ways To Make Money As An Affiliate Blogger



7 Ways To Make Money As An Affiliate Blogger


A lot of new bloggers aren’t sure how to generate money from their blogs. Getting visitors to click on your links and make a purchase can be difficult. Read on to be introduced to some excellent tactics you can implement to make money as an affiliate blogger.


1.  Getting Paid to Write Reviews

affiliate bloggerWe all know this strategy, but it’s one that really works… IF everything is set up correctly.

When writing a review, you need to understand the formula for creating interest in the product. It’s not enough to just say what you liked or disliked about a product to others. In addition to this, you should include things like who the product targets and who it isn’t, images/videos, evidence, and any downsides. To achieve a sale, you must always include a call-to-action.  Tell the reader what to do so the result is you getting a sale!

As previously mentioned, if you do your homework and understand how to craft an effective review, this has the potential to be a lucrative money-making strategy.


2.  Earn More Money With High-Paying Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programmes that offer 1 percent -5 percent royalties on low-priced items are the most common way for new affiliate bloggers to get their feet wet in the world of affiliate marketing. To achieve a decent return on your investment, you’ll need to produce a lot of sales.

To generate more money in your affiliate blogging enterprise, select affiliate networks that pay greater commissions and/or sell more expensive items and services.

You can give yourself a nice raise by turning your hundred dollar a month blog just by researching the more lucrative paying affiliate programs.  Invest the time to give yourself a raise!


3.  Earn Money by Creating Tutorials

affiliate bloggerRegardless of your niche, if you have something to offer, you should do so in the form of written or video lessons, or a workshop.

Create this form of content since it’s interesting to you, and you’ll generate more purchases because it truly helps your audience by teaching them what to do. You can also sell affiliate products within your lesson to increase sales.

If you Google “how to + your niche,” you’ll likely come up with a slew of ideas for tutorials. Once you’ve come up with your ideas, look for affiliate items you can market in your videos and get those tutorials put up.

There are many marketing components in this strategy, therefore it’s perfect for combining them all together.


4.  Recurring Affiliate Payments Make Money Monthly

When we talked about generating more money with affiliate programmes that provide more expensive items and/or commissions, we didn’t mention that you may also make more money by locating affiliate programmes that pay you every month.

Hosting, membership sites, services, and so on all charge customers on a monthly basis. If you join one of their affiliate programmes, you’ll be paid a percentage of what your reader spends each month. To put it another way, you just have to make a sale once, and you’ll keep being compensated. With this strategy, you may earn money without doing anything else except watching the videos.

You may look for recurring affiliate programmes in your field by using Google or by looking via any affiliate marketplace you are a member of.. Your niche will determine how many of these affiliate programmes you’ll be able to locate, but it’s better if there are plenty. Create a slew of recurring revenue sources!


5. Make Deals That Pay Off

affiliate bloggerDo you want to know how to make your reader want to buy your product even more? Reduce the price for them!

As a rule of thumb, how often do you buy things on sale or because you have a coupon for them? People like me and many others are always facing the urge to buy something just because they can get a deal or a coupon on it.  Cash in on this shoppers’ dilemma!

To find out whether your affiliate programmes can provide any discounts, additional bonuses, coupons or other incentives for what you’re marketing, reach out to them.ou’ll attract more customers and more money by using this strategy despite forgoing regular commissions.

Also, work out a bonus system for your customers.  Include a congruent bonus (ie. ebook that is related to the topic just purchased) to provide added value.


6. Put Your Profits to Work For You

One of the best things to do after you start generating money from your blog is put it back into your company!

A few options exist for accomplishing this. You may improve your marketing skills by investing in courses and/or coaching. One option is to hire a content creator who will provide a wider range of (or better-quality) material for you. These are things like infographics and videos that can be used to teach people something. Pay-per-click advertising is another option for allocating your resources. You may make even more money with your blog if it’s already profitable.

It’s all about improving your marketing skills, creating more and better content, and increasing visitors to your blog, therefore investing your earnings is critical to boosting your revenue!


7. Get Paid When You Go Live

affiliate bloggerYou may go Live on a variety of networks, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Using software, you can even make all of them available to customers concurrently.

But how do you generate more money from going Live if you use this method?

Your audience will adore you if you’re delivering useful information to them. You’ll become more genuine to your readers if you appear in person, and that will help them get to know you better. People like to  buy from someone they know.  Y ou can convert your live into an all-encompassing marketing campaign for any product you’re advertising as an affiliate. Moreover, don’t forget to keep track of your Lives so you may utilise them as ongoing content!

Begin with a Q&A (Questions and Answers) or an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session to learn the basics of Lives before branching out to topics your readers and followers want to learn about.

With a little work, you can reap the rewards again and over again with this effective strategy.



So there you have it! That’s seven distinct strategies for making money as an affiliate blogger that I just shared with you. If you’re currently successful, you may utilise these tactics to increase your earnings even more. Watch your revenue rise by starting with one method and adding more as you have the time.

Take action!